Our medical care and PocketDR device is covered by Medicare.
A older woman on the phone for scheduled monthly phone-calls with DocRoad

Healthcare management at home made easy.

Get the care you need to live the healthy life you deserve. DocRoad telehealth is specially designed for seniors and covered by Medicare, so you can sign up for free today!

Accessible Care on Your Schedule

Manage, monitor, and treat your chronic conditions from the comfort of home. DocRoad makes it easy to connect with a specialist in minutes and collaborate with a dedicated care team – no delays, waiting rooms, or extra trips.

Now you can prioritize your health and simplify your schedule. With DocRoad, you don’t have to choose between quality care and modern convenience.

Register Today

A New Approach: Coordinated and Clear

DocRoad invites you to join the conversation and play an active role. Instead of managing chronic conditions and symptoms separately, we treat your health as a whole. No more confusing or conflicting treatment plans!It’s time to streamline communication with a personalized care plan that is approved by all of your providers.One monthly appointment, one dedicated team. When everyone is on the same page, that’s all you need.

A photo of Dr.Glenn Gandelman

Dr. Glenn Gandelman

DocRoad Medical Director
A photo of Anna Kryuchokov

Anna Kryuchkov

Nurse Practitioner
A photo of doctor Tim Brandriff

Tim Brandriff

Watch: Meet Our Physicians
Our medical care and PocketDR device is covered by Medicare.
Jess G.
Patient Review

Just great. Expert, reassuring, and explains clearly and in easy-to-understand terms. Very informative and comprehensive and explained my condition and alternative treatments. Made me a participant in the process.

David W.
Patient Review

The doctor seems to be very well informed and did a great job of expressing the key points to me as a patient in a crisp and clear manner. Their other staff professionals are excellent as well.

At DocRoad our physicians are proud graduates of leading institutions

specialized expert care

Monthly Appointments
with our Specialists

Take care of your health with ease. We will refer you to the right specialist so you get the expert advice you need from a doctor right in your home. Enjoy monthly convenient video appointments at no cost to you.

personalized care plan

Personalized Care Plan

Collaborate hand-in-hand with our care team to set and reach individualized treatment goals with us over the phone. With this collaboration, we believe we can improve your health, your longevity, and your quality of life.

What is Chronic Condition Management?
Seamless HEALTH monitoring

Effortless Vitals & Health Monitoring from Home

Health monitoring gives our doctors 24/7 access to your vital stats, so the doctor can watch your vitals to identify hiccups before they become problems. We remotely evaluate your health from from every angle with simple devices, covered by your insurance.

medicine and refills

Diagnosis, Prescriptions & Medication Renewals  

Don't delay your care. Have our team of doctors order your prescription or refills to be delivered straight to your home or for pickup at your nearest pharmacy.

It's as easy as..


Book an Introductory Appointment

Schedule a phone-call appointment that works for you and your schedule.


We'll connect you to the right specialist for your needs

Discuss your condition and personalized treatment plan with an expert doctor or nurse.


Enjoy Medical Care from home with PocketDR

Receive your own PocketDR device to get the expert care, health monitoring & medication you need to effectively manage your condition.

3 Key Reasons the PocketDR may be right for you or your loved ones.

Peace of Mind

Ensure that your loved ones who are living with chronic medical conditions have everything they need in their pockets. Sleep better at night knowing that your parents’ health is constantly monitored and they have access to professional medical care anytime, anywhere.

Instant Medical Care

Apart from scheduled tele-health appointments, PocketDR will monitor the patient’s health and notify a call center or provider in case of an emergency, or a sudden decline in the patient’s condition. Essential for older adults living alone or far from relatives.

Ideal for Seniors

The senior-friendly design means that your mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather can always have it in their pocket. They can feel more independent and confident, knowing that their condition is monitored.

The Stress-Free Way To Keep Your Loved Ones Safe

Get the care you need, when you need it through our pocket-sized device called PocketDR. The PocketDR is an easy-to-use, mobile Home Medical Hub that connects seamlessly with Bluetooth enabled health monitoring devices.

Register Today

Your Loved Ones,
Our Priority.

As a DocRoad patient, you will receive a free PocketDR device to monitor your vitals, chat with specialists, schedule appointments, meet with your care team, and more. PocketDR takes the hassle out of virtual healthcare with an easy-to-use design and advanced health monitoring tools, including:

Medication Reminders

Never forget about an appointment, treatment task, or medication again. PocketDR makes it easy to set personalized reminders and track your progress. Plus, DocRoad will refill prescriptions at your local pharmacy before the bottle is empty.

Family Sharing

Keep your loved ones in the loop. The family access portal integrates with PocketDR, and it’s an easy way for family members to check in on you without restricting your freedom. Share location, vitals, and care team updates automatically.

Emergency Alerts

PocketDR monitors and records your health, so we can automatically send help to your location in case of emergency. The pocket-sized safety device also has a large red button to call 911 and alert family, even if you’re away from the phone.

Nothing is as important as your health, especially as you age.

6 in 10 Americans have a chronic illness, defined by the CDC as any condition that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention, or limit activities of daily living or both.

We at DocRoad understand that managing those chronic conditions can be challenging whether it’s due to travel time to and from the doctor’s office, Covid-19 concerns while visiting a medical facility, or a lack of access to proper care information.

Not to mention, nowadays doctors spend an average of just 15 minutes with patients, less time than you probably spend in the waiting room.

Don't let your chronic condition go unmanaged.

There is a better way.

At DocRoad, we believe that everyone should receive the care they need to live the healthy life they deserve which is why we opened a new door to chronic condition management.

The PocketDR was designed by doctors with the goal of making chronic health conditions easier to manage and allow more people to live the healthy life they deserve. Gain clarity and peace of mind about your health wherever you are in your journey with a chronic condition.

With DocRoad you’ll do more than simply live with a chronic condition, you’ll thrive with it.

Get our Free pdf Guide:

11 Tips for Living With Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can make it difficult to go about your daily activities. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make living with chronic health conditions manageable and get back to living a full and healthy life you love!
  • Practical tips & guidance.

    Our team have beautifully compiled 11 key insights that help you get back in the driver seat of your health and life.

  • Discover new insights for relief.

    Learn a variety of approaches to reduce pain with something for everyone.

  • We take a whole person approach.

    Chronic illnesses don’t only affect your body, they impact your whole life.

Get the free PDF Guide

Our physicians and medical specialists are here to help, both when your on-the-go and at home.

We care about each patient's well-being as though they were our very own family and take much care when establishing a diagnosis and also in formulating a plan for your treatment, so you can heal as soon as possible.